Friday, August 15, 2014

 35 Wonderful places to visit ...

1) Salar de Uyuni (Bolivia), the world's largest mirror.

Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

During the rainy season, the largest salt desert in the world becomes the world's largest mirror. The Salar was born when several prehistoric lakes joined into one.

2) Tianzi Mountains (China), the mountains of the film "Avatar".
Tianzi Mountains, China

These mountains are unique. They are so strange that were used in the movie "Avatar" by James Cameron. Formed underwater 380 million years ago. The land rose as a result of volcanic activity. Some of the pillars have reached more than 4,000 meters above sea level.

3) Sentinels of Arctic Finland.
Sentinels of Arctic Finland

These "sentinels" are truly gigantic trees covered with snow and ice. This strange image occurs in winter, when temperatures range from -40 to -15 degrees Celsius.

4) Reed Flute Cave (China).
Reed Flute Cave, China

Reed Flute Cave, China

This cave system is 240 meters in length are in Guilin, and are one of the most popular attractions in China for over 1200 years. The beautiful stalactites, stalagmites and columns were created by water erosion. They are characterized by their multi-colored lights that create a truly surreal atmosphere.

5) Skaftafell, ice cave in Iceland.
Ice cave Skaftafell, Iceland

Ice Caves are temporary structures that form at the edge of the glacier when meltwater forms a hole. Ice formed has very few air bubbles and absorbs all light except blue, which gives the cave that one color.

6) Antelope Canyon, Arizona, in the United States.
antelope canyon

Antelope Canyon

This canyon was formed millions of years ago. Water forged a very deep narrow crack. The walls appear to be of different colors.

7) Sea Stars, Vaadhoo Island, Maldives
Sea Stars, Vaadhoo Island, Maldives

Sea Stars, Vaadhoo Island, Maldives

It may seem normal during the day but at night, this beach comes alive. The sheen on the water comes from marine microbes called phytoplankton. The galaxy is drawn in the sand is awesome.

8) Great Source Prismatic, Wyoming

The Grand Prismatic Fountain in Wyoming, is the largest place of hot springs in the United States. Bright colors are the result of the pigmented microbes growing around the edges of the mineral-rich water.

9) Dead Vlei, Namibia
Dead Vlei

Dead Vlei

These pictures look like a box ... but they are real. They are photographs of "dead valley" where trees die against a background with one of the highest sand dunes in the world. The desert is approaching and killing all life.

10) Lake Baikal, Siberia.
Lake Baikal, Siberia

Lake Baikal is the largest lake and the world's oldest fresh water. In the winter, the lake is frozen but the water is so clear you can see 40 feet below the ice. In March, frost and sun cause cracks in the ice crust and fragments of turquoise ice we see on the surface appear.

11) Socotra, Yemen



A third of the plant life on the island of Socotra not found anywhere else on the planet earth. One of the strangest forms is the dragon's blood tree, which resembles an umbrella.

12) Danxia Geopark Zhangye, Gansu, China.
Zhangye Danxia Geopark

These colorful rock formations are the result of minerals that have been deposited over 24 million years. Wind and rain carve incredible shapes in the rock, forming natural pillars, towers, ravines, valleys and waterfalls.

13) Tunnel of Love, Klevan, Ukraine
tunnel of love

This tunnel is formed over many years through trains did the same route three times a day and molded the surrounding trees. It is now abandoned and is a romantic place for an afternoon stroll.

14) Waitomo Glowworm Cave (New Zealand)
Waitomo Glowworm Cave (New Zealand)

Thousands of tiny fireflies hanging on the roof of this cave and radiate a luminescent light, creating a scene out of a science fiction movie.

15) The rice terraces of Yuanyang, China
Rice terraces of Yuanyang, China

Rice terraces of Yuanyang, China

Cultivation techniques Yuanyang County have created a landscape that is truly amazing.

16) Lake Hillier, Australia
lake Hillier

lake Hillier

The pink color of this lake is the result of a dye created by algae and bacteria in the water. Despite the strange hue, the lake appears to have no adverse effects on humans or the local wildlife.

17) The white cascade of Pamukkale, Turkey
The white Pamukkale waterfall

The white Pamukkale waterfall

Over millions of years, the hot springs of Pamukkale have transformed the landscape. Although it may seem that these terraces are made of ice and snow, Turkey has a warm climate all year round. The floor is covered only white limestone.

18) Caño Cristales, Colombia.
Caño Cristales

Caño Cristales

Due to extensive habitat of fauna and flora, this river has a variety of colors: yellow, green, blue, black and red. The rocks are about 1.2 billion years, and those who visit call it the most beautiful river in the world.

19) The Marble Cathedral in Chile
Marble Caves in Patagonia, Chile

Formed by thousands of years due to the waves crashing against calcium carbonate. These caves have smooth walls reflecting the swirling blue waters of the lake.

20) Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland
Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland

Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland

About 55 million years ago, the intense volcanic activity in the area formed a lava plateau. Over time, the lava cooled and fractured creating columns that are so perfect they almost look artificial.

21) Fly Geyser, Nevada
Fly geyser

Fly Geyser was accidentally created when a well is drilled. The minerals and algae began to rise from the geyser and accumulated forming a strange mound.

22) Cascada underwater in Mauritius
Cascada underwater in Mauritius

A very strong currents pushed sand sediment and down, creating this underwater waterfall.

23) Mount Roraima, Venezuela
Monte Roraima, South America

Monte Roraima, South America

It is one of the oldest mountains on Earth. It goes back to two billion years, when the land rose above the ground by tectonic activity. The sides of the mountain are steep vertical cliffs with several waterfalls. It is almost impossible to climb.

24) Aogashima, Japan
Aogashima, Japan

Aogashima is a volcanic island located 200 kilometers off the coast of Tokyo.

25) Fingal's Cave, Scotland
Fingal's Cave, Scotland

Fingal's Cave, Scotland

Like the Giant's Causeway, this cave was formed by the cooling of lava and fracturing over millions of years.

26) River underwater, Cenote Angelita, Mexico
River under water Cenote Angelita, Mexico

River under water Cenote Angelita, Mexico

Beneath the waters of Cenote Angelita flows a river filled with hydrogen sulfide, which is much heavier than river water.

27) Naica Mine, Mexico
Naica Mine

Naica Mine

This silver mine is covered with large crystals.

28) Playa Escondida, Marietas Islands, Mexico
Playa Escondida Marietas Islands

This magnificent beach hideaway was created by a military explosion in 1900 is only accessible by swimming through a tunnel.

29) Lake Natron, Tanzania
Lake Natron, Tanzania

This lake has a unique form of high salt content. Lovers Salt microorganisms develop and produce a red pigment that colors the water. For other animals, salt is deadly: calcify and many just "turned to stone" after coming into contact with water.

30) Structure Richat, Mauritania (The Eye of Africa)
Structure Richat

It is located in the middle of the Sahara Desert. It is a place deeply eroded and has more than 24 kilometers in diameter. The natural formation is so impressive that, for a long time, scientists believed that it was the site of an asteroid impact.

31) Highlands of Iceland
Highlands of Iceland

Highlands of Iceland

The highlands of Iceland have some of the most magnificent natural sites in the northern hemisphere. Amazing glaciers, craters, lakes and geysers ... but when night falls, the area became one of the best places to witness the Northern Lights.

32) National Park Plitvice Lakes, Croatia
National Park Plitvice Lakes

The Plitvice Lakes National Park is the largest of its kind in Croatia and the oldest in South East Europe. It has beautiful lakes, caves and waterfalls.

33) The Salt Cathedral in Colombia.
surreal place

This site was excavated by salt miners. An architect reconverted into a cathedral that place for locals as could pray for slaughtered men.

34) Rio Tinto in Spain.
rio tinto

It is a river of red due to the interaction between heavy metals in the area and some existing river bacteria. The river has a high sulfur content making it very interesting that these bacteria can live.

35) Lagunas de Cañada del Hoyo, Cuenca, Spain.
surreal place

They are altogether seven lakes spread in a not very large extent. The curious thing is that these seven lakes all have a different color due to the micro-organisms that live in them and how they depend on light.


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